Snoring: When Is It Cause For Concern?

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We have 2,000 to 3,000 patients we see a year just sleep-related problems between three physicians. About 30 patients per month come through the sleep clinic, Bader said. Dentists can help, too But those with mild or moderate sleep apnea could turn to dentists for ways to address their snoring issues. Thats what Ann Barker, 38, of Sturtevant, did. A patient of dentist Keith Stummers for about eight years, Barker said dental staff brought up the issue of snoring when she went in for a regular cleaning several months ago. They handed her a survey to fill out. Basically, the survey revealed I have some excessive sleepiness, and tiredness, she said.
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How Snoring Can Wreak Havoc On A Marriage

It was disturbing her sleep, but I didn’t realize that snoring was the cause of my own fatigue.” The reason for resentment is understandable. Snoring can cause daytime symptoms that can cause serious problems in one’s waking life, and unfortunately it is not just the snorer that suffers — the snorer’s spouse can suffer just as much. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 39 percent of American adults get less than seven hours of sleep each weeknight , and more than one in three (37 percent) are so sleepy during the day that it interferes with daily activities. The sleep loss associated with snoring — whether it’s the snorer or the bed partner who is awakened by the snoring, interrupts important recuperative sleep, which can impair a person’s ability to perform cognitive tasks involving memory, learning, reasoning and mathematical processes. It can impair motor skills and can cause morning headaches, irritability, burnout and depression, to mention just a few symptoms.
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Chicago, IL Dentist Offers a Better Night’s Sleep Through an Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece

When a person exhales and the tongue blocks the airway, snoring results. Dental professionals like Dr. DiVerde, a Chicago sleep dentist, can fit patients for an anti-snoring mouthpiece. The mouthpiece helps to stabilize the tongue to prevent it from blocking the airway. Also, the added padding from the mouthguard helps to relax the jaw, which opens the throat and helps to reduce airway restriction.
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